Our first annual Glam Africa Fashion Night 2015 (GAFN) will be hosted by ace comedian Wale Gates and broadcaster, Toya Washington. Wale and Toya are two seasoned UK based entertainment and media personalities. IMG_5494

Wale Gates is a comedian, MC and social commentator. He owns the comedy brand Just Joking with Wale Gates and has been a popular figure on the African entertainment scene in the UK over he past decade. IMG_5488IMG_5489

Toya Washington is a television presenter, event host and media personality. A former Big Brother UK contestant, Toya also works in a freelance capacity, speaking at conferences and award shows.IMG_5487IMG_5491IMG_5490

Glam Africa Fashion Night 2015 will hold on Sunday 22nd February Porchester Hall, Bayswater, London. The count down begins with only four weeks to go. Don’t miss out on this red carpet event.

Get your tickets now!Instagram


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Images by Eric Jorrin at jem.media

AUTHOR: Ama Badu (Senior Lifestyle Editor). Find her on Instagram ¦ Twitter ¦Tumblr




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